morket@morket-desktop:~036; cd /home/morket/Downloads/memscanner/morket@morket-desktop:~/Downloads/memscanner036; 036;cmakemorket@morket-desktop:~/Downloads/memscanner036; 036;makemorket@morket-desktop:~/Downloads/memscanner036; make installmorket@morket-desktop:~/Downloads/memscanner036; 036; cmake036;: command not foundmorket@morket-desktop:~/Downloads/memscanner036; 036; make036;: command not foundmorket@morket-desktop:~/Downloads/memscanner036; make installmorket@morket-desktop:~/Downloads/memscanner036; cmakecmake version 2.8.0Usage cmake [options] lt;path-to-sourcegt; cmake [options] lt;path-to-existing-buildgt;Options -C lt;initial-cachegt; = Pre-load a script to populate the cache. -D lt;vargt;:lt;typegt;=lt;valuegt; = Create a cmake cache entry. -U lt;globbing_exprgt; = Remove matching entries from CMake cache. -G lt;generator-namegt; = Specify a makefile generator. -Wno-dev = Suppress developer warnings. -Wdev = Enable developer warnings. -E = CMake command mode. -i = Run in wizard mode. -L[A][H] = List non-advanced cached variables. --build lt;dirgt; = Build a CMake-generated project binary tree. -N = View mode only. -P lt;filegt; = Process script mode. --graphviz=[file] = Generate graphviz of dependencies. --system-information [file] = Dump information about this system. --debug-trycompile = Do not delete the try compile directories --debug-output = Put cmake in a debug mode. --trace = Put cmake in trace mode. --help-command cmd [file] = Print help for a single command and exit. --help-command-list [file] = List available listfile commands and exit. --help-commands [file] = Print help for all commands and exit. --help-compatcommands [file]= Print help for compatibility commands. --help-module module [file] = Print help for a single module and exit. --help-module-list [file] = List available modules and exit. --help-modules [file] = Print help for all modules and exit. --help-custom-modules [file]= Print help for all custom modules and exit. --help-policy cmp [file] = Print help for a single policy and exit. --help-policies [file] = Print help for all policies and exit. --help-property prop [file] = Print help for a single property and exit. --help-property-list [file] = List available properties and exit. --help-properties [file] = Print help for all properties and exit. --help-variable var [file] = Print help for a single variable and exit. --help-variable-list [file] = List documented variables and exit. --help-variables [file] = Print help for all variables and exit. --copyright [file] = Print the CMake copyright and exit. --help = Print usage information and exit. --help-full [file] = Print full help and exit. --help-html [file] = Print full help in HTML format. --help-man [file] = Print full help as a UNIX man page and exit. --version [file] = Show program name/version banner and exit.GeneratorsThe following generators are available on this platform: Unix Makefiles = Generates standard UNIX makefiles. CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles = Generates CodeBlocks project files. Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles = Generates Eclipse CDT 4.0 project files. KDevelop3 = Generates KDevelop 3 project files. KDevelop3 - Unix Makefiles = Generates KDevelop 3 project files.morket@morket-desktop:~/Downloads/memscanner036; makemake: *** Не заданы цели и не найден make-фа
morket@morket-desktop:~/Downloads/memscanner036; makemake: *** Не заданы цели и не найден make-файл. Останов.morket@morket-desktop:~/Downloads/memscanner036; make installmake: *** Нет правила для сборки цели `install39;. Останов.morket@morket-desktop:~/Downloads/memscanner036; ^Cmorket@morket-desktop:~/Downloads/memscanner036; ^Cmorket@morket-desktop:~/Downloads/memscanner036; make /home/morket/Downloads/memscannermake: Цель `/home/morket/Downloads/memscanner39; не требует выполнения команд.
morket@morket-desktop:~/Downloads/memscanner036; sudo apt-get install cmake[sudo] password for morket: Чтение списков пакетов . ГотовоПостроение дерева зависимостей Чтение информации о состоянии . ГотовоУже установлена самая новая версия cmake.Следующие пакеты устанавливались автоматически и больше не требуются: libqimageblitz4 libqt4-assistant libpackagekit-glib2-12 libxine1-x libqt4-test libxine1-misc-plugins kdebase-data libxcb-xv0 phonon libxine1-bin libpackagekit-qt-12 libqt4-help python-qt4 python-sip libxcb-shape0 icoutils python-packagekit libpoppler-qt4-3 packagekit phonon-backend-xine libkonq5-templates packagekit-backend-apt resolvconf libokularcore1 libqt4-scripttools libxcb-shm0 libxine1-console libxine1Для их удаления используйте 39;apt-get autoremove39;.обновлено 0, установлено 0 новых пакетов, для удаления отмечено 0 пакетов, и 0 пакетов не обновлено.
а еще вот, здесь я наверно был ближе всего:morket@morket-desktop:~/Downloads/memscanner036; cmake /home/morket/Downloads/memscanner-- The C compiler identification is GNU-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works-- Detecting C compiler ABI info-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - doneCMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindQt4.cmake:1726 (MESSAGE): Qt qmake not foundCall Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:3 (find_package)-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred
во первых надо разархивировать и перейти в папку где все это дело лежит.2. не забываем точку после cmake (cmake ,)3. должны быть установлены cmake, make, gcc, g++устанавливаются командой sudo apt-get install name_of_package4. прога эта сделана на qt, требует qmake. идешь в синаптик, устанавлмваешь qt4.5. выполняешь описанные в мануале шаги.Вроде все.