gt;gt; ./configure scons sudo scons install./configure не надо, просто:sconsscons install(это две команды, вбей их в терминал, не забудь сделать папку с исходниками текущей).
Вот что вышло из этогоsconsscons: Reading SConscript files .using configuration from config/ not available, doing no user overridesscons: warning: The Options class is deprecated; use the Variables class instead.File /home/user/yafaray/tools/, line 9, in read_optsscons: warning: The BoolOption() function is deprecated; use the BoolVariable() function instead.File /home/user/yafaray/tools/, line 22, in read_optsscons: warning: The env.Copy() method is deprecated; use the env.Clone() method instead.File /home/user/yafaray/tools/, line 112, in check_configChecking for C library pthread . yesChecking for C library z . noChecking for C++ library Half . yesChecking for C++ library Iex . yesChecking for C++ library Imath . yesChecking for C++ library IlmImf . yesChecking for C library xml2 . noChecking for C library jpeg . noChecking for C library png . noChecking for C library freetype . noError: not all enabled libraries are availableif they are installed, make sure the paths are setup correctlyif you don39;t have them, try disabling with the appropriate WITH_YF_* option