Дело в том, что не включается WiFi под *бунту. В lspci видит устройство, но нет беспроводных сетей в значке сети. Скорее всего, нет поддержки этого устройства. Подскажите, есть ли какие-нибудь варианты как заставить видеть WiFi?upd: Кнопка включения сети не работает.
У меня Acer Aspire One(WiFi карта Atheros) + Kubuntu 8.04.Для поднятия вайфая компилил MadWifi.Все по мануалу с https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne
А именно-------------------------------------------Now we need to disable the hardware drivers that Ubuntu tries to use before the ones we make will function. So go to System -gt; Administration -gt; Hardware Drivers and uncheck everything. It should prompt us to reboot, so lets do it now.We need to grab the wireless driver, and the things we need to build it, from a terminal:mkdir sourcecd sourcewget http://snapshots.madwifi-project.org/madwifi-hal-0.1 .tar -xzvf madwifi-hal- madwifi-hal- apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-036;(uname -r)And we build and install:makesudo make installsudo modprobe ath_pciIn order to have the wireless work after reboot, add the following line to /etc/modules (gksudo gedit /etc/modules) to automatically load the module when booting:ath_pci
WIRELESS LED:To get your awesome wireless led to blink for you based on traffic, put these lines in /etc/rc.local, just above the string exit 0 (below doesn39;t work).* Note: The 2.6.27 kernel does not appear to have these options anymore (earlier kernels do).sysctl -w dev.wifi0.ledpin=3sysctl -w dev.wifi0.softled=1The led on the front will now do the association blink, as well as blink based on wireless traffic.rc.local may not be executable sosudo chmod a+x /etc/rc.localThe wifi kill switch uses these keycodes (also to use in rc.local):/usr/bin/setkeycodes e055 159/usr/bin/setkeycodes e056 158