eri@eri-desktop:~036; xinput listVirtual core pointer id=0 [XPointer]Num_buttons is 32Num_axes is 2Mode is RelativeMotion_buffer is 256Axis 0 :Min_value is -1Max_value is -1Resolution is 0Axis 1 :Min_value is -1Max_value is -1Resolution is 0Virtual core keyboard id=1 [XKeyboard]Num_keys is 248Min_keycode is 8Max_keycode is 255Macintosh mouse button emulation id=2 [XExtensionPointer]Num_buttons is 32Num_axes is 2Mode is RelativeMotion_buffer is 256Axis 0 :Min_value is -1Max_value is -1Resolution is 1Axis 1 :Min_value is -1Max_value is -1Resolution is 1AT Translated Set 2 keyboard id=3 [XExtensionKeyboard]Num_keys is 248Min_keycode is 8Max_keycode is 255ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse id=4 [XExtensionPointer]Num_buttons is 32Num_axes is 2Mode is RelativeMotion_buffer is 256Axis 0 :Min_value is -1Max_value is -1Resolution is 1Axis 1 :Min_value is -1Max_value is -1Resolution is 1eri@eri-desktop:~036; ls /dev/input/by-path event1 event3 event5 mice mouse1event0 event2 event4 event6 mouse02 вопросика.как отключить эмуляцию 3ей кнопки? (когда нажимаю одновременно левую и правую - нажимается средняя)откуда у меня 2 мыши?
Solution:The workaround for the mouse click delay:1. ExecuteCode:xinput list --shortand note your mouse name. For me, this is Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse.2. Create the file /etc/hal/fdi/policy/mouse-3button.fdi , containing (replace the mouse name with yours):Code:lt;match key=info.product string=Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mousegt;lt;merge key=input.x11_options.Emulate3Buttons type=stringgt;falselt;/mergegt;lt;/matchgt;3. Unplug your mouse and replug it. (This won39;t suffice if it39;s a PS/2 mouse i guess. In this case reboot.)