Константин Кисаринов создал тему 15.04.2010 в 11:51
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ухты столько мух раздули до размеров слонаОбласть уведомления - это страшноDefault font size and default pointer - это смертельноCtrl+Alt+Delete - единственное чего реально нехватало но 10 мин ковыряния горячих клавиш и CTRL+ESC запускают Системный Монитор а реально системе до сих пор не хватает пакетов для установки VPN искаропкиИз личного опыта:Чтоб поставить инет мне нужен ВПН. Чтоб установить пакеты для ВПН нужно выйти в интернет При отсутствии альтернативных выходов в инет это вечный цикл с легкой руки Canonical.
Mark Shuttleworth wrote on 2010-03-15: Re: [Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close 110Sam, thanks for making the PPA, and I encourage folks who prefer thatlayout to use it, or to follow the instructions for setting the gconfpreference manually. It39;s great that you can do that.The default position of the window controls will remain the left,throughout beta1. We39;re interested in data which could influence theultimate decision. There are good reasons both for the change, andagainst them, and ultimately the position will be decided based on whatwe want to achieve over time.Moving everything to the left opens up the space on the right nicely,and I would like to experiment in 10.10 with some innovative optionsthere. It39;s much easier to do that if we make this change now. Iappreciate that it39;s an emotive subject, and apologise for the fact thatI haven39;t been responding in detail to every comment - I39;m busy movinghouse this week. But the design team is well aware of the controversy,your (polite) comments and more importantly *data* are very welcome andwill help make the best decision.When we have a celebrity bug report like this, it39;s a real exercise forour values of communication, civility, and ubuntu. Thank you to thosewho have pointed to the code of conduct when things get heated. Andthanks even more to those who FELT heated but didn39;t let it show :-)MarkВопросы?